Introducing 2TEC2 Rugs

We are excited to introduce our first collection of rugs.

The best of designs

We offer a wide range of designs, colours and shapes with impeccably finished borders. There are 12 different products available. 10 of the rugs are based on the existing best-selling floors from the collections Hybrid, Infinite, Marble and Lustre.

To complete the collection, we added 2 rugs, based on a completely new design: Alhambra. Inspired by the refined expression of beauty and emotion of the well-known Moorish sun-soaked Alhambra palace, this collection’s pattern plays hide and seek with intricate mosaics and vegetal motifs. The Arabic name alHamra’ means the red fortress’, celebrating nature’s play of light and sun on warm evenings.

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Creative freedom

The ability to freely move rugs offers endless possibilities for design. They are perfect to visually define different zones in your interior. In the most easy way, you can highlight a group of furniture or create an inviting and cosy atmosphere wherever you want. 2TEC2 provides the possibility to personalise the shape and the dimensions of your rug. You can choose between 4 different shapes.

Quality approved

On top of the aesthetics of 2TEC2 rugs, the functionality truly exceeds limits. Just like our regular woven flooring, the rugs are very easily maintained. They can be cleaned with nothing more than water and a brush – no harmful chemicals needed. Additionally, the rugs are fire-retardant, UV-resistant, and anti-fungi. Meanwhile, they still ensure premium quality. Suited for class 33 heavy commercial use and castor chair tested, they are made to last. Even the roughness of outdoor circumstances can be withstood, making the rugs suited for both indoor and outdoor use.

Discover 2TEC2 Rugs